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Dining In, Social gathering, and Household Visitors of up to 5 fully vaccinated people from today.

Below are some of the easing of covid-19 restrictions from Monday, 22 Nov till further notice!

Dining In, Social gathering, and Household Visitors of up to 5 fully vaccinated people from today.

Photo by fauxels from Pexels


From 22 Nov:

Dining In at F&B outlets

  • As of today, 5 fully vaccinated people from different households are now allowed to dine together at restaurants/ F&B outlets

Social Gathering

  • The size limit for social gatherings will be increased from 2 to 5 people

Household Visitors

  • The number of household visitors will also be raised from 2 to 5 distinct visitors who are vaccinated

Wedding solemnisation and receptions

  • The wedding couple can unmask during the entire reception or solemnisation

  • Singing by members of the Wedding Party at the reception will be allowed

  • As stated by Ministry of Health (MOH), the above are subjected to additional precautions:

(a) The wedding couple or such individuals from the Wedding Party will need to take the Antigen Rapid Test (ART) supervised by the venue operator

(b) Or have a valid PET result within 24 hours before the event

Resumption of In-Person Visits at hospitals and nursing homes

  • To resume in-person visits to hospitals and nursing homes with enhanced Vaccination-Differentiated Safe Management Measures (VDS) in place.

  • Only allowed if both the visitor and the hospital patient/home resident are fully vaccinated. Otherwise, only be allowed under exceptional circumstances on a case-by-case basis.


From 23 Nov:

Dining In at Hawker Centres and Coffee Shops

  • For hawker centres and coffee shops, the ‘5 groups’ relaxed dining rules will only take effect tomorrow on 23 Nov (Tue) and only if these places are able to check the patron's vaccination status.

  • For hawker centres and coffee shops that have not implemented vaccination checks, the dining rule will still be capped at 2 fully vaccinated people.

  • The unvaccinated are still not allowed to dine in and can only continue to take away food.

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References: CNA (website) The Straits Times (website) MOH (website)


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